Gosh there's so much that happened this weekend I dont quite know where to start. Okay, on friday, my mum and I went out a bought a nintendo wii, and its great fun lol! We also wanted the wii fit board, but they were out of stock in argos, and today I've checked every website I can think of, and EVERYWHERE is out of stock. How crazy is that! Now on saturday myself, my mum, dad, my aunt, uncle, and cousins, (from america) went out for the day together. We went to a place called Claughton, to a pub there called the Fenwick Arms. If anyone has watched Gordon Ramsey's kitchen nightmares, where he goes to sort out failing pubs and restuarants, well the Fenwick Arms was one of those. I'd say it was a fairly good meal, although they do need to change the menu a bit, not everyone likes salmon etc. I had a cheese baguette which was yummy but I only managed to eat half of it lol! The others had fish and chips or Roast beef and yorkshire puds. I'm telling you those puds are the biggest I have ever seen! According to Gordon Ramsey they're the best he's ever had. I cant vouch for that as i didnt have them but they looked good. Then we got to meet and have a looooonnnggg chat with the owner, and head chef, Brian Rey, and my aunt and uncle had a photo taken with him. He also gave us a magazine with an article about him in it, his campaign for "real gravy" which was all over the menu's lol! Here's the magazine, and a napkin ring thing which i brought home. They also have a website at
Then we went into Skipton, where the market was on, which was pretty good, and I found a gorgeous Craft shop called The Stamp man, I could have spent hours in there but i wasn't allowed! I manged to limit myself and just buy a stamp and some peel-offs. I haven't got a photo of the peel-offs to post here, but they were of funny geisha's and chinese dragons. I'll take one soon I promise or i'll make a card with them. I also found out they have a website so even better!
www.thestampman.co.uk. Anyway the stamp I bought is lovely its of a woman, I think its called Cassandra. Here it is:

I also bought a craft mag from a newsagents because it had a beautiful flower fairy stamp with it. I definitely recommend that you look out for it and buy it, i cant wait to use the stamp, and there are some fantastic cards in it.

I also bought a necklace and a pair of earrings from a charity shop, you gotta love charity shops for random finds. And again here are more photo's lol!

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