Tuesday 1 July 2008

All Avon Orders delivered!

I've finally got all the Avon orders out! I delivered the last one last night so now I need to go to the bank and pay in the money.

I spent over an hour last night walking round with another girl and this dog that she'd found sat outside her house. We were trying to track down the owner to return the dog, which we managed eventually, although what annoyed me is that the people who owned it didnt even notice it was missing. If my dog was missing for more than 5 seconds I'd be panicking and searching the streets, let alone over an hour. God some people shouldnt be allowed dogs. She was such a lovely labrador too. Grr.

Now I promise I will be making some cards soon, I just never seem to find the time! Maybe I should stay off here for a while and make cards instead lol. Anyway I've got a driving lesson at 2pm which will hopefully go okay.


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