Thursday, 11 November 2010

Life...Jobs...and Budgies :)

Wow, so I haven't posted in nearly two flippin' months! Its not like I've been overly busy, I'm on the hunt for a job now, but not much else going on. My wrist has pretty much healed after the operation, job hunting is horrible! You have to fill in awful application forms, some of which have really daft multiple choice questions, then you hand it in and wait...and wait...and wait.
I do have my four lovely budgies to keep me occupied though, they make me smile everyday with their crazy antics. I'm trying to get them to like fruit and veggies, so far only two of them, Milo and Lola, will eat them, and they've only really liked grapes, they eat out all the middle and leave the skin lol. I am officially budgie obsessed! They are making an awful mess though, what with the cage being in my bedroom it feels like an endless battle against all the seeds and poop and feathers. I need to have a big clear out in my bedroom before christmas. Maybe I should follow "Flylady" and take photos and post my progress on here, I need something to motivate me. Oh and if you haven't heard of Flylady then google her, she is great, she's from the U.S and encourages thousands of women all over the world to keep chaos out of their houses.
Right now, as I'm typing this obviously, I'm watching Ugly Betty, I can't believe its the last EVER season! *insert tears here* and I have a little dog curled up next to me, breathing her stinky breath on me lol.
So...I have no cards to show :( my creative mojo has left the building. Its very frustrating, I have lots of lovely cardmaking stuff upstairs but if I sit down to make a card they turn out...well rubbish. I will persevere though  :)
I am still checking out the wonderful WOYWW though, everyone's desks are great to look at, I like having a good nosey around, and I'm hoping it'll give me inspiration.

Bye for now xx

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